Gary Kowalski  

    Born in Oklahoma, I am third generation in a family of artists, illustrators and collectors.  My tastes were influenced by my grandfather–an early pioneer of color photography who tried his best to get his artwork on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post but just could not quite compete with Norman Rockwell–and by my mom who filled the house where I grew up with Picasso prints, Wolf Kahn pastels and work by other contemporary masters.

I only got serious about painting in mid-life, getting into juried shows with the Northern Vermont Artist’s Association, the Vermont Watercolor Society, and hanging work at the Vermont Fine Arts Gallery in Stowe.   I mostly work plein air and moved to Santa Fe in 2014 to take advantage of the many sunny days to head outdoors and set up an easel.  Often I strap the rig to the back of my motorbike, an old Honda Nighthawk 750, to explore the byways less visited by automobile, in search of perfect vistas.

I work from my home and am associated with the Rio Grande National Heritage Area society of artists (recently juried into their Culture & Creators show at Los Luceros), as well having participated in the Plein Air Painters of New Mexico.   Please get in touch if you are interested in purchasing a painting or requesting a commission.